The Department of Mathematics was originally established in the year 1980 in our college. We offer B.Sc Mathematics program intended to educate qualified students in the growing world of advanced Mathematics and to prepare them for career in its use and development.
Our goal is to provide mathematics instruction that will encourage students to become accurate, efficient, and flexible problem solvers. It is our belief that the rapidly changing technological advances have created a fluid and dynamic world for this generation of students. We can no longer predict and plan for the problems that these students will need to solve when they enter the work force. Therefore, we must make sure that our students have the core knowledge, and the skills to apply that core knowledge, to a variety of situations that are known and unknown to us at this time.
The mission of the mathematics department is to provide an environment where students can learn and become competent users of mathematics and mathematical application. Moreover, the department will contribute to the development of students as mathematical thinkers, enabling them to become lifelong learners, to continue to grow in their chosen professions, and to function as productive citizens.