1. Student should come to the College, in clean, tidy and smart dress.
2. All students must be in their respective Class room at least 5 (Five) minutes before the start of the College.
3. They must be regular and punctual in attending classes as well as other activities connected with the college.
4. Students are requested to stand for the morning prayers in the PAS to be broadcasted and for the College pledge.
5. They should be at their seats at the first bell and stand up as a mark of respect when the teacher enters the class room. They must sit only after they are asked to do so or after the teacher takes his / her seat. As a Mark of Courtesy students will greet teacher as well as their classmates at their first meeting of the day. Irrespective of the presence or absence of the teachers, students must keep strict silence in the class rooms. No student should leave the class room without the permission of the teacher.
6. Students must maintain discipline in the Class room, Laboratory, Library, Playground etc. throughout their presence in the College. Any objectionable behavior is punishable.
7. Students will not be permitted to leave their class or attend it late under the pretext of paying fees or taking books from library. Time fixed for such purposes during the working hours must be adhered to.
8. Ragging, Eve teasing, sexual harassment and comments are strictly prohibited. Indulgence of such acts is punishable under law.
9. Students are expected to read notices put up on the College Notice Board. Ignorance of any notice thus displayed will not be accepted as an excuse for failing to comply with directions contained in.
10. Cigarette smoking / Consumption of Alcohol / Drugs / Gudka and those involving in any anti-social activities on Politics in the Campus will be punished severely.
11. Scribing on walls, benches, desks, trees, rest room on damaging the College property is strictly prohibited. Action will be taken and fine will be collected.
12. Students are responsible to take care of their belongings. Institution is not responsible for any loss.
13. No meeting of any kind shall be held in the college without the previous written permission of the Principal.
14. No notice of any kind shall be circulated among students or poster on the notice board without the previous written permission of the Principal.
15. Bringing of Mobile phones and cameras is strictly prohibited within the campus. If any student is found to possess them the same will be confiscated.
16. The College reserves the rights to suspend / dismiss any student on the grounds of disobedience or objectionable behaviors towards the Teachers and Staff.
17. Students must wear the ID issued by the institution in the Campus and produce it on demand by the Security Guard or staff.
18. Students are not allowed to come late to the Class room, if late they will be considered as absentees.
19. Students are not allowed to leave campus during class hours. In case of emergency prior permission should be obtained from HOD / Principal with the proper communication from the parents.
20. Students should co-operate to keep the campus and class room clean.
21. Bicycles and other vehicles must be parked safely in proper places. Vehicles found in unauthorized places will be impounded and released only on payment of fines.
22. Play fields must not be trespassed when games are on.
23. Day scholars should not enter the hostel. Hostel students should not stay in the rooms during class hours unless under genuine medical ground with the knowledge of the Hostel Warden / Deputy Warden.
24. Students witnessing games are expected to show sportsmanship in their appreciation and encouragement. They must not indulge in jeering of shouting that will disconcert any player.
25. While attending college or public function they should conduct themselves in such a way as to bring credit to themselves and to the institution.
26. Students are forbidden from entering the Office Room and the Staff Room during unspecified hours.
27. Care must be taken in handling the property of the College and any damage caused casually or wantonly will entail serious disciplinary action and recovery of cost.
28. Careful handling of apparatus in the laboratory and furniture in the class room is insisted on. All Breakages and losses are to be reported at once to the teachers and the cost or the things broken of lost will be recovered from the students concerned.
29. No furniture should be removed from one room to another or to another place in the same room without the prior permission of the Principal.
30. Students having vehicles should park their vehicles allocated for them (Girls / Boys). It is advisable to wear helmet for their own safety. Students found carry more than one pillion rider will be penalized.
31. For the betterment of the students’ future, English must be followed as a spoken language in the College Campus.
32. Loitering on the verandah, indulging in noisy talk crowding round in pathways, whistling, doing anything unbecoming of a student are strictly forbidden.
33. Representation of complaints and grievances may be made to the Principal through the Heads of Departments of the tutor-in-charge as the case may be.
34. Under the Government’s Educational Rules the Principal has full powers to inflict the following punishments for the breach of conduct and behavior in the interest of the students and institutions whenever necessary (a) Fines (b) Cancellation of attendance (c) Withholding of certificates (d) Suspension and (e) Expulsion.
35. The Principal’s decision shall be final in matters of punishment of the student for violation of any one of the rules of the College.
36. Formal Pant and Shirt, Short shirts, T.Shirts, Multicolor Jeans, Low hip pants, Shorts and shirts with troublesome slogans / symbols should be strictly avodied.
37. Boys should come to College with proper haircut.
38. Wearing of unnecessary bands in the wrist, valuable chains and jewelery must be avoided.
39. Normal chudidhar with a proper plait of hair is advised. Over coat provided by the College should be worn (within the) College campus.
40. Short tops, Leggings panty wear, T.Shirts are strictly prohibited while coming to College.
41. Girls should avoid wearing unnecessary costly ornaments, bringing of cosmetics and fancy imitation jewelery.
42. Girls students not to stay in class rooms during leisure hour / lunch hour.
1) Members of faculty are required to follow the prescribed dress code and wear ID cards while in the campus.
2) Staff members are expected to follow the culture of the college, which is to wish each other as a mark of mutual respect with due concern to senior faculty.
3) Employee shall not be a member of any political party or take part in politics or be associated with any party or organization, which takes part in political activity; nor shall aid or assist in any manner, any political movement or activity.
4) An Employee shall be required to observe the scheduled working hours and follow the bio-metric attendance to their presence in the campus.
5) No Employee shall leave headquarters except with the prior permission of the competent authority providing the contact address.
6) No Employee shall engage in strike or incitements, there in similar activities such as absence from work or neglect of duties.
7) The behavior of the teacher with male and female students and other employees shall be modest.
8) Gross partiality in assessment of students deliberately over/under marking of attempt of victimization on any grounds, will not be encouraged.
9) Teaching faculty is supposed to be in the classroom as soon as the bell rings.
10) Consumption of intoxicating drink or drug is prohibited inside the college premises.
11) Raising questions of castes, creed, religion, race or sex in his/her relationships with the students and his/her colleagues are not encouraged.
12) Members of faculty are not allowed to engage directly or indirectly in any trade or private tuition or undertake employment outside his /her official assignment.
13) It will be considered as misconduct, if staff members violate or attempt to violate the foresaid rules.